Ascent Integrated Tech developed a system to monitor firefighters' health and environment, securing over $2.8 million in funding.

Client: Ascent Integrated Tech  .  Location: Chicago, Illinois
Sector: Software   .  Link:

Firefighters put their lives at stake as they navigate highly complex and hazardous environments in the line of duty. Ascent Integrated Technology has developed a technology that monitors and collects the crew’s physical health, location, and environment to identify potential hazards and support the incident commander in making informed decisions.

Ascent’s partnership with EGC has yielded two Air Force Direct Phase II SBIR awards ($2.5M), First Responder Smart Tracking (FRST) Challenge Phases 1-4 ($358K), Army xTechSearch ($5K), and NIST CommanDING Challenge ($7.5K). This funding has supported Ascent’s technology development and deployment to four Midwest firefighter departments.